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Workday Adaptive Planning Training

Adaptive Planning will replace BudgetPak for FY2026. Budget Managers may attend a training workshop in late-October.

Workday Adaptive Planning Training (in person sessions)

Please join us for an immersive workshop designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to effectively use Workday Adaptive Planning. This training includes a conceptual overview and a hands-on lab where you can create your budget request for FY2026.

Registration will be completed in Campus Groups. The following workshops are available. Please click the link below to register:

Workday Adaptive Planning Training (remote sessions)

Remote training sessions will be offered via Microsoft Teams at the following times. Please click the link below to join the meeting. There is no registration required for remote sessions:

Workday Adaptive Planning Training (job aids)

For self-service support, please consider using the following job aids while navigating Adaptive Planning: